The Book of Acts. Talk 3. Acts chapter 3-4. By Rod McLennan, 09/02/2024
The Book of Acts. Talk 2. Acts Chapter 2.
The Book of Acts. Talk 2. Acts Chapter 2. By Rod McLennan, 2/02/2025
The Book of Acts. Talk 1. Acts Chapter 1
The Book of Acts. Talk 1. Acts Chapter 1. By Rod McLennan, 26/01/2025. Acts 1:1-26
Book of Psalms. Psalm 32.
Book of Psalms. Psalm 32. By Rod McLennan. 19/01/2025. Psalm 32.
Book of Psalms. Psalm 127
Book of Psalms. Psalm 127. By Matthew Wright, 12/01/2025. Psalm 127
Psalms. Psalm 20. By Rod McLennan
Psalms. Psalm 20. By Rod McLennan. 05/01/2025
Christ in Everything. Colossians 4:7-18
Christ in Everything. Colossians 4:7-18. By Rod McLennan, 15/22/2024.
Christ in Everything. Colossians 4:2-6.
Christ in Everything. Colossians 4:2-6. By Rod McLennan, 01/12/2024
Christ in everything. Colossians 2:6-23
Christ in everything. Colossians 2:6-23. By Andy Wilson, 10/11/2024. Colossians 2:6-23
The Ten Commandments. Talk 8. The Eighth Commandment.
The Ten Commandments. Talk 8. The Eighth Commandment. By Rod McLennan, 8/09/2024. Exodus 20:15
The Ten Commandments. Talk 7. The Seventh Commandment.
The Ten Commandments. Talk 7. The Seventh Commandment. By Andy Wilson, 01/09/2024. Exodus 20:14
The Ten Commandments. Talk 6. The Sixth Commandment.
The Ten Commandments. Talk 6. The Sixth Commandment. By Rod McLennan, 25/08/2024. Exodus 20:13
The Ten Commandments. Talk 5. The Fifth Commandment.
The Ten Commandments. Talk 5. The Fifth Commandment. By Rod McLennan, 18/08/2024. Exodus 20:12
The Ten Commandments. Talk 4. The Fourth Commandment.
The Ten Commandments. Talk 4. The Fourth Commandment. By Rod McLennan, 11/08/2024. Exodus 20:8-11
The Ten Commandments. Talk 3. The Third Commandment.
The Ten Commandments. Talk 3. The Third Commandment. By Rod McLennan, 04/08/2024. Exodus 20:7
The Ten Commandments. Talk 2. The Second Commandment.
The Ten Commandments. Talk 2. The Second Commandment. By Rod McLennan, 28/07/2024. Exodus 20:4-6.
A Promise of Blessings.
A Promise of Blessings. By Andrew Purcell, 21/07/2024. Genesis 12:1-20, Acts 3:1-26.
The Ten Commandments. Talk 1. The First Commandment.
The Ten Commandments. Talk 1. The First Commandment. By Rod McLennan, 14/07/2024. Exodus 19:1-20, 20:18-21.
Amazing Grace. Talk 1. Grace Is A Gift.
Amazing Grace. Talk 1. Grace Is A Gift. By Lincoln Job, 30/06/2024. Ephesians 2:1-10.
Brawlers. Talk 10. Shades of Christ.
Brawlers. Talk 10. Shades of Christ. By Rod McLennan, 23/06/2024. Genesis 42-50.
Brawlers. Talk 8. God Was With Joseph.
Brawlers. Talk 8. God Was With Joseph. By Lincoln Job, 9/06/2024. Genesis 39:1-23.
Brawlers. Talk 7. Tamar and Judah.
Brawlers. Talk 7. Tamar and Judah. By Rod McLennan, 2/06/2024. Genesis 38:1-30.
Brawlers. Talk 6. Joseph Shows Us Jesus.
Brawlers. Talk 6. Joseph Shows Us Jesus. By Rod McLennan, 26/05/2024. Genesis 37:1-36.
Brawlers. Talk 5. Dinah and Shechem.
Brawlers. Talk 5. Dinah and Shechem. By Rod McLennan, 19/05/2024. Genesis 34:1-31.
Brawlers. Talk 4. Jacob the Saint.
Brawlers. Talk 4. Jacob the Saint. By Jon Chandler, 12/05/2024. Genesis 32-33.
Brawlers. Talk 3. Blessings, Brides, Births, Bothersome In-laws.
Brawlers. Talk 3. Blessings, Brides, Births, Bothersome In-laws. By Rod McLennan, 5/05/2024. Genesis 28:10-22 & 29:1-20.
Brawlers. Talk 2. Prophecy, Birthright, Blessing.
Brawlers. Talk 2. Prophecy, Birthright, Blessing. By Bernard Jansen, 28/04/2024. Genesis 25:19-34 & 27:1-41.
Brawlers. Talk 1. Isaac.
Brawlers. Talk 1. Isaac. By Rod McLennan, 21/04/2024. Genesis 24:1-28.
Jonah. Talk 2. God’s Grace.
Jonah. Talk 2. God’s Grace. By Rod McLennan, 14/04/2024. Jonah 3:1-4:11.
Jonah. Talk 1. God’s Heart Is For The Lost.
Jonah. Talk 1. God’s Heart Is For The Lost. By Lincoln Job, 7/04/2024. Jonah 1:1-17.
The Empty Tomb.
The Empty Tomb. By Rod McLennan, 31/03/2024. Mark 16:1-8.
Sermon On The Mount. Talk 10. Whatever You Wish That Others Would Do To You, Do Also To Them.
Sermon On The Mount. Talk 10. Whatever You Wish That Others Would Do To You, Do Also To Them. By Rod McLennan, 24/03/2024. Matthew 7:12-29.
Sermon On The Mount. Talk 9. God Is Good.
Sermon On The Mount. Talk 9. God Is Good. By Rod McLennan, 17/03/2024. Matthew 7:7-12.
Sermon On The Mount. Talk 8. Judge Not!
Sermon On The Mount. Talk 8. Judge Not! By Rod McLennan, 10/03/2024. Matthew 7:1-6.
Sermon On The Mount. Talk 7. Look To The Father.
Sermon On The Mount. Talk 7. Look To The Father. By Ben Letts, 3/03/2024. Matthew 6:25-34.
Sermon On The Mount. Talk 6. Examine Yourself.
Sermon On The Mount. Talk 6. Examine Yourself. By Jon Chandler, 25/02/2024. Matthew 6:1-24.
Sermon On The Mount. Talk 5. Submit To Evil.
Sermon On The Mount. Talk 5. Submit To Evil. By Rod McLennan, 18/02/2024. Matthew 5:38-48.
Sermon On The Mount. Talk 4. Marriage.
Sermon On The Mount. Talk 4. Marriage. By Rod McLennan, 11/02/2024. Matthew 5:27-37. A small part of the start of this sermon has been lost.
Sermon On The Mount. Talk 3. Anger.
Sermon On The Mount. Talk 3. Anger. By Rod McLennan, 4/02/2024. Matthew 5:17-26.
Sermon On The Mount. Talk 2. Identity And Purpose.
Sermon On The Mount. Talk 2. Identity And Purpose. By Rod McLennan, 28/01/2024. Matthew 5:13-20.
Sermon On The Mount. Talk 1. The Beatitudes.
Sermon On The Mount. Talk 1. The Beatitudes. By Rod McLennan, 21/01/2024. Matthew 5:1-12. A small part of the start of this sermon has been lost.
Matthew. Talk 6. Fishers Of Men.
Matthew. Talk 6. Fishers Of Men. By Rod McLennan, 14/01/2024. Matthew 4:12-25.
Matthew. Talk 5. Jesus Is The True, Perfect Son Of God.
Matthew. Talk 5. Jesus Is The True, Perfect Son Of God. By Rod McLennan, 7/01/2024. Matthew 4:1-11.
Matthew. Talk 4. Repent.
Matthew. Talk 4. Repent. By Rod McLennan, 31/12/2023. Matthew 3:1-17.
Matthew. Talk 2. The Birth Of Jesus.
Matthew. Talk 2. The Birth Of Jesus. By Rod McLennan 24/12/2023. Matthew 1:18-25.
Matthew. Talk 1. The Genealogy of Jesus.
Matthew. Talk 1. The Genealogy of Jesus. By Rod McLennan, 17/12/2023. Matthew 1:1-17.
Hold Fast. Talk 10. God’s Holy Demands.
Hold Fast. Talk 10. God’s Holy Demands. By Rod McLennan, 10/12/2023. Hebrews 12:14-17, 13:1-25.
Hold Fast. Talk 7. Connecting The Old And New Testaments.
Hold Fast. Talk 7. Connecting The Old And New Testaments. By Rod McLennan, 19/11/2023. Hebrews 9:1-10:25. A small part of the start of this sermon has been lost.
Hold Fast. Talk 6. You Are Most Safe And Grounded When You Hold Fast To Christ.
Hold Fast. Talk 6. You Are Most Safe And Grounded When You Hold Fast To Christ. By Rod McLennan, 12/11/2023. Hebrews 8:1-13.
Hold Fast. Talk 5. Jesus Is Priest Forever; The Only Priest You Need.
Hold Fast. Talk 5. Jesus Is Priest Forever; The Only Priest You Need. By Rod McLennan, 5/11/2023. Hebrews 4:14-7:28.