Hold Fast. Talk 4. God’s Rest. By Rod McLennan, 29/10/2023. Hebrews 4:1-16.
Hold Fast. Talk 3. God Has Spoken – We Must Listen.
Hold Fast. Talk 3. God Has Spoken – We Must Listen. By Lincoln Job, 22/10/2023. Hebrews 3:1-19.
Hold Fast. Talk 2. Listen to God’s Word.
Hold Fast. Talk 2. Listen to God’s Word. By Jon Chandler, 15/10/2023. Hebrews 2:1-18.
Hold Fast. Talk 1. Jesus Is Greater.
Hold Fast. Talk 1. Jesus Is Greater. By Ben Letts, 8/10/2023. Hebrews 1:1-14.
Don’t Take God’s Presence For Granted.
Don’t Take God’s Presence For Granted. By Matt Wright, 1/10/2023. 2 Samuel 6:1-17.
Father Abraham. Talk 10. Father Abraham Had Many Sons.
Father Abraham. Talk 10. Father Abraham Had Many Sons. By Rod McLennan, 24/09/2023. Genesis 25:1-18.
Father Abraham. Talk 9. Abraham Buys A Field.
Father Abraham. Talk 9. Abraham Buys A Field. By Rod McLennan, 17/09/2023. Genesis 23:1-20.
Father Abraham. Talk 8. The Sacrifice of Isaac.
Father Abraham. Talk 8. The Sacrifice of Isaac. By Rod McLennan, 10/09/2023. Genesis 22:1-19.
Father Abraham. Talk 7. God Watches Over Everything.
Father Abraham. Talk 7. God Watches Over Everything. By Rod McLennan, 3/09/2023. Genesis 20-21.
Father Abraham. Talk 6. Lot’s Rescue.
Father Abraham. Talk 6. Lot’s Rescue. By Rod McLennan, 27/08/2023. Genesis 18-19. A small part of the start of this sermon has been lost.
Father Abraham. Talk 5. Circumcision.
Father Abraham. Talk 5. Circumcision. By Bernard Jansen, 20/08/2023. Genesis 17:1-27.
What Is The Most Important Thing In Your Life?
What Is The Most Important Thing In Your Life? By Emmanuvel Jhonly, 13/08/2023. Matthew 16:21-28.
Father Abraham. Talk 4. Man’s Faith or God’s Faithfulness.
Father Abraham. Talk 4. Man’s Faith or God’s Faithfulness. By Rod McLennan, 6/08/2023. Genesis 16:1-16.
Father Abraham. Talk 3. Covenant.
Father Abraham. Talk 3. Covenant. By Rod McLennan, 30/07/2023. Genesis 15:1-21.
Father Abraham. Talk 2. What Does Faith Look Like?
Father Abraham. Talk 2. What Does Faith Look Like? By Rod McLennan, 23/07/2023. Genesis 13-14.
Kingdom of God. Talk 11. Psalm 10.
Kingdom of God. Talk 11. Psalm 10. By Rod McLennan, 9/07/2023. Psalm 10:1-18.
Household of God. Talk 10. Money.
Household of God. Talk 10. Money. By Rod McLennan, 2/07/2023. 1 Timothy 6:3-21.
Household of God. Talk 9. Show Honour (Part 2).
Household of God. Talk 9. Show Honour. By Rod McLennan, 25/06/2023. 1 Timothy 5:17-6:2.
Household of God. Talk 8. Show Honour (Part 1).
Household of God. Talk 8. Show Honour (Part 1). By Rod McLennan, 18/06/2023. 1 Timothy 5:1-6:2.
Household of God. Talk 7. Authority in the Church.
Household of God. Talk 7. Authority in the Church. By Rod McLennan, 11/06/2023. 1 Timothy 3:14-5:2.
Household of God. Talk 6. Overseers and Deacons.
Household of God. Talk 6. Overseers and Deacons. By Rod McLennan, 4/06/2023. 1 Timothy 3:1-16. A small part of the start of this sermon has been lost.
Household of God. Talk 5. Women in the Church.
Household of God. Talk 5. Women in the Church. By Rod McLennan, 28/05/2023. 1 Timothy 2:8-3:7.
Household of God. Talk 4. Prayer and the Character of God.
Household of God. Talk 4. Prayer and the Character of God. By Rod McLennan, 21/05/2023. 1 Timothy 2:1-15.
Household of God. Talk 3. False Doctrine.
Household of God. Talk 3. False Doctrine. By Rod McLennan, 14/05/2023. 1 Timothy 1:3-7, 4:1-2, 4:6-7, 6:3-7.
Household of God. Talk 2. Doctrine.
Household of God. Talk 2. Doctrine. By Rod McLennan, 7/05/2023. 1 Timothy 1:1-7, 4:13, 6:11-16.
Household of God. Talk 1. What is Church?
Household of God. Talk 1. What is Church? By Rod McLennan, 23/04/2023. 1 Timothy 1:1-5, 3:14-16.
Kingdom of God. Talk 10. The Claim, The Command and The Comfort.
Kingdom of God. Talk 10. The Claim, The Command and The Comfort. By Rod McLennan, 16/04/2023. Matthew 28:1-20.
Easter Sunday.
Easter Sunday. By Rod McLennan, 9/04/2023. 1 Corinthians 15:1-11. A small part of the start of this sermon has been lost.
Kingdom of God. Talk 9. The Humble King Who Opposes The Proud And Gives Grace To The Humble.
Kingdom of God. Talk 9. The Humble King Who Opposes The Proud And Gives Grace To The Humble. By Rod McLennan, 2/04/2023. Matthew 21:1-17. A small part of the start of this sermon has been lost.
In The Beginning. Talk 9. The Tower of Babel.
In The Beginning. Talk 9. The Tower of Babel. By Lincoln Job, 26/03/2023. Genesis 11:1-9.
In The Beginning. Talk 8. The Flood.
In The Beginning. Talk 8. The Flood. By Rod McLennan, 19/03/2023. Genesis 6-9.
In The Beginning. Talk 7. The Rule of Sin.
In The Beginning. Talk 7. The Rule of Sin. By Rod McLennan, 12/03/2023. Genesis 4:1-16.
In The Beginning. Talk 5. The Fall.
In The Beginning. Talk 5. The Fall. By Rod McLennan, 26/02/2023. Genesis 3:1-13.
In The Beginning. Talk 2. Genesis 2.
In The Beginning. Talk 2. Genesis 2. By Rod McLennan, 5/02/2023. Genesis 2:4-25.
Kingdom of God. Talk 8. The Cleansing of the Kingdom.
Kingdom of God. Talk 8. The Cleansing of the Kingdom. By Rod McLennan, 22/01/2023. Matthew 13:47-50.
Kingdom of God. Talk 7. Value and Cost.
Kingdom of God. Talk 7. Value and Cost. By Rod McLennan, 15/01/2023. Matthew 13:44-46.
Kingdom of God. Talk 6. Growth.
Kingdom of God. Talk 6. Growth. By Rod McLennan, 8/01/2023. Matthew 13:24-43.
Kingdom of God. Talk 5. Fertile Ground.
Kingdom of God. Talk 5. Fertile Ground. By Rod McLennan, 1/01/2023. Matthew 13:1-23. A small part of the start of this sermon has been lost.
Kingdom of God. Talk 4. Three Kings.
Kingdom of God. Talk 4. Three Kings. By Rod McLennan, 25/12/2022. Matthew 2:1-18. A small part of the start of this sermon has been lost.
Kingdom of God. Talk 3. A Forgiving King.
Kingdom of God. Talk 3. A Forgiving King. By Rod McLennan, 18/12/2022. Matthew 18:21-35.
God’s Blueprint for Evangelism.
God’s Blueprint for Evangelism. By Jon Chandler, 30/10/2022. 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12.
Titus. Talk 2. Putting into Order.
Titus. Talk 2. Putting into Order. By Rod McLennan, 25/09/2022. Titus 1:5-9.
Titus. Talk 1. Introduction to Titus.
Titus. Talk 1. Introduction to Titus. By Rod McLennan, 18/09/2022. Titus 1:1-4.
Daniel. Talk 9. Despite Ongoing Conflict, God’s People Can Have Peace In This Life And The Next.
Daniel. Talk 9. Despite Ongoing Conflict, God’s People Can Have Peace In This Life And The Next. By Rod McLennan, 11/09/2022. Daniel 10-12.
Daniel. Talk 3. Walking in the Midst of the Fire.
Daniel. Talk 3. Walking in the Midst of the Fire. By Rod McLennan, 31/07/2022. Daniel 3.
Daniel. Talk 2. The First Dream.
Daniel. Talk 2. The First Dream. By Jon Chandler, 24/07/2022. Daniel 2.
Daniel. Talk 1. Do Not Be Defiled.
Daniel. Talk 1. Do Not Be Defiled. By Rod McLennan, 17/07/2022. Daniel 1.
Psalms of Lament. Talk 7. Blessed Is The Man Whom You Disciple.
Psalms of Lament. Talk 7. Blessed Is The Man Whom You Disciple. By Jon Chandler, 10/07/2022. Psalm 94.
Alive. Talk 11. Put Your Faith In Jesus.
Alive. Talk 11. Put Your Faith In Jesus. By Lincoln Job, 3/07/2022. Mark 5:21-43. A small part of the start of this sermon has been lost.
Alive. Talk 10. The Lord is Gracious and Compassionate.
Alive. Talk 10. The Lord is Gracious and Compassionate. By Rod McLennan, 26/06/2022. 2 Kings 13:10-25.