Alive. Talk 9. Real Faith and Faithfulness. By Rod McLennan, 19/06/2022. 2 Kings 4:8-37.
Togetherness. By Rod McLennan, 5/06/2022. Psalm 133:1-3.
Psalms of Lament. Talk 6. Psalm 44.
Psalms of Lament. Talk 6. Psalm 44. By Rod McLennan, 29/05/2022. Psalm 44:1-26.
Psalms of Lament. Talk 4. Psalm 42.
Psalms of Lament. Talk 4. Psalm 42. By Ben Letts, 15/05/2022. Psalm 42:1-11.
Psalms of Lament. Talk 3. Psalm 6.
Psalms of Lament. Talk 3. Psalm 6. By Bernard Jansen, 8/05/2022. Psalm 6:1-10.
Psalms of Lament. Talk 2. Psalm 80.
Psalms of Lament. Talk 2. Psalm 80. By Jon Chandler, 1/05/2022. Psalm 80:1-19.
Psalms of Lament. Talk 1. Psalm 130.
Psalms of Lament. Talk 1. Psalm 130. By Lincoln Job, 24/04/2022. Psalm 130:1-8.
Alive. Talk 6. The Widow of Nain’s Son.
Alive. Talk 6. The Widow of Nain’s Son. By Rod McLennan, 10/04/2022. Luke 7:11-17.
Alive. Talk 5. Lazarus.
Alive. Talk 5. Lazarus. By Rod McLennan, 3/04/2022. John 11:1-44. A small part of the start of this sermon has been lost.
For the Forgiveness of Sin. Talk 7. Two Ways to Sin.
For the Forgiveness of Sin. Talk 7. Two Ways to Sin. By Rod McLennan, 20/03/2022. Mark 7:1-23.
For the Forgiveness of Sin. Talk 6. Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit.
For the Forgiveness of Sin. Talk 6. Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit. By Rod McLennan, 13/03/2022. Mark 3:20-35.
For the Forgiveness of Sin. Talk 5. To Call Sinners.
For the Forgiveness of Sin. Talk 5. To Call Sinners. By Rod McLennan, 6/03/2022. Mark 2:13-17.
For the Forgiveness of Sin. Talk 3. The Authority of Jesus.
For the Forgiveness of Sin. Talk 3. The Authority of Jesus. By Rod McLennan, 20/02/2022. Mark 1:21-45.
For the Forgiveness of Sin. Talk 2. God Comes to Us.
For the Forgiveness of Sin. Talk 2. God Comes to Us. By Rod McLennan, 13/02/2022. Mark 1:7-15.
For the Forgiveness of Sin. Talk 1. Sin’s Solution.
For the Forgiveness of Sin. Talk 1. Sin’s Solution. By Rod McLennan, 6/02/2022. Mark 1:1-8.
Alive. Talk 4. Eutychus.
Alive. Talk 4. Eutychus. By Bernard Jansen, 30/01/2022. Acts 20:7-11.
Alive. Talk 2. Tabitha.
Alive. Talk 2. Tabitha. By Rod McLennan, 16/01/2022. Acts 9:32-43.
Alive. Talk 1. Christ Has Been Raised.
Alive. Talk 1. Christ Has Been Raised. By Rod McLennan, 9/01/2022. 1 Corinthians 15:12-34.
The Weary World Rejoices. Talk 5. Repent.
The Weary World Rejoices. Talk 5. Repent. By Rod McLennan, 2/01/2022. Luke 3:1-20.
The Weary World Rejoices. Talk 2. Strength for Today – Bright Hope for Tomorrow.
The Weary World Rejoices. Talk 2. Strength for Today – Bright Hope for Tomorrow. By Rod McLennan, 19/12/2021. Luke 1:26-55.
The Weary World Rejoices. Talk 1. God Speaks.
The Weary World Rejoices. Talk 1. God Speaks. By Rod McLennan, 12/12/2021. Luke 1:5-25.
Partners in the Gospel. Talk 9. God Will Supply Every Need.
Partners in the Gospel. Talk 9. God Will Supply Every Need. By Rod McLennan, 5/12/2021.
Partners in the Gospel. Talk 8. God of Peace – Peace of God.
Partners in the Gospel. Talk 8. God of Peace – Peace of God. By Rod McLennan, 28/11/2021. Philippians 4:1-9.
Partners in the Gospel. Talk 7. Imitate.
Partners in the Gospel. Talk 7. Imitate. By Rod McLennan, 21/11/2021. Philippians 3:15-4:1.
Partners in the Gospel. Talk 6. Rejoice in the Lord.
Partners in the Gospel. Talk 6. Rejoice in the Lord. By Rod McLennan, 14/11/2021. Philippians 3:1-14. A small part of the start of this sermon was lost.
Partners in the Gospel. Talk 5. Honour Such Men.
Partners in the Gospel. Talk 5. Honour Such Men. By Bernard Jansen, 7/11/2021. Philippians 2:19-30.
Partners in the Gospel. Talk 4. God Works in You.
Partners in the Gospel. Talk 4. God Works in You. By Rod McLennan, 31/10/2021. Philippians 2:12-18.
Partners in the Gospel. Talk 3. Be Humble.
Partners in the Gospel. Talk 3. Be Humble. By Rod McLennan, 24/10/2021. Philippians 2:1-11.
Partners in the Gospel. Talk 2. Consistent and Persistent Unity.
Partners in the Gospel. Talk 2. Consistent and Persistent Unity. By Jon Chandler, 17/10/2021. Philippians 1:19-30.
Partners in the Gospel. Talk 1. The Gospel: Partnership – Purpose – Priority.
Partners in the Gospel. Talk 1. The Gospel: Partnership – Purpose – Priority. By Rod McLennan, 10/10/2021. Philippians 1:1-18.
In Christ. Talk 1. Where Are You?
In Christ. Talk 1. Where Are You? By Rod McLennan, 19/09/2021. Colossians 1:15-29.
Dominion. Talk 4. David and Bathsheba.
Dominion. Talk 4. David and Bathsheba. By Rod McLennan, 8/08/2021. 2 Samuel 11:1-17.
Dominion. Talk 3. Son of David.
Dominion. Talk 3. Son of David. By Rod McLennan, 1/08/2021. 2 Samuel 7:1-18.
Dominion. Talk 2. Established – Afraid – Undignified.
Dominion. Talk 2. Established – Afraid – Undignified. By Rod McLennan, 25/07/2021. 2 Samuel 6:12-23.
Stir Up Your Mind. Talk 5. Sanctification.
Stir Up Your Mind. Talk 5. Sanctification. By Bernard Jansen, 11/07/2021. 2 Peter 3:14-18.
Stir Up Your Mind. Talk 4. The Day of The Lord.
Stir Up Your Mind. Talk 4. The Day of The Lord. By Rod McLennan, 4/07/2021. 2 Peter 3:1-13.
Stir Up Your Mind. Talk 2. Remember Remember.
Stir Up Your Mind. Talk 2. Remember Remember. By Rod McLennan, 20/06/2021. 2 Peter 1:12-21.
Stir Up Your Mind. Talk 1. Glorious Knowledge.
Stir Up Your Mind. Talk 1. Glorious Knowledge. By Rod McLennan, 13/06/2021. 2 Peter 1:1-15.
The Lord Saves. Talk 7. Perseverance of the Saints.
The Lord Saves. Talk 7. Perseverance of the Saints. By Rod McLennan, 6/06/2021. Romans 8:28-39.
The Lord Saves. Talk 6. Irresistible Grace.
The Lord Saves. Talk 6. Irresistible Grace. By Rod McLennan, 30/05/2021. Ezekiel 36:22-32.
The Lord Saves. Talk 5. Limited Atonement.
The Lord Saves. Talk 5. Limited Atonement. By Rod McLennan, 23/05/2021. Colossians 2:8-15.
The Lord Saves. Talk 4. Predestination.
The Lord Saves. Talk 4. Predestination. By Rod McLennan, 16/05/2021. Romans 8:28-39.
The Lord Saves. Talk 3. God Chooses.
The Lord Saves. Talk 3. God Chooses. By Rod McLennan, 9/05/2021. Romans 9:13-26.
The Lord Saves. Talk 2. Total Depravity.
The Lord Saves. Talk 2. Total Depravity. By Rod McLennan, 2/05/2021. Ephesians 2:1-10.
The Lord Saves. Talk 1. Sovereignty.
The Lord Saves. Talk 1. Sovereignty. By Rod McLennan, 25/04/2021. Ephesians 1:3-14.
Son of God. Talk 43. That You May Have Life.
Son of God. Talk 43. That You May Have Life. By Rod McLennan, 11/04/2021. John 20:19-31.
Son of God. Talk 42. The Ascension.
Son of God. Talk 42. The Ascension. By Rod McLennan, 4/04/2021. John 20:1-18. A small part of the start of this sermon was lost.
Doers of the Word. Talk 9. Prayer: The Glue of Faith and Family.
Doers of the Word. Talk 9. Prayer: The Glue of Faith and Family. By Rod McLennan, 28/03/2021. James 4:13-20.
Doers of the Word. Talk 7. Draw Near to God.
Doers of the Word. Talk 7. Draw Near to God. By Rod McLennan, 14/03/2021. James 3:13-4:12.
Doers of the Word. Talk 6. Taming the Tongue.
Doers of the Word. Talk 6. Taming the Tongue. By Rod McLennan, 7/03/2021. James 3:1-12. A small part of the start of this sermon was lost.