Doers of the Word. Talk 5. Faith Works. By Rod McLennan, 28/02/2021. James 2:14-26.
Doers of the Word. Talk 4. Favouritism Outlawed.
Doers of the Word. Talk 4. Favouritism Outlawed. By Rod McLennan, 21/02/2021. James 2:1-13.
Doers of the Word. Talk 3. God’s Word is Greater.
Doers of the Word. Talk 3. God’s Word is Greater. By Rod McLennan, 14/02/2021. James 1:18-27.
Doers of the Word. Talk 1. Character Over Comfort.
Doers of the Word. Talk 1. Character Over Comfort. By Rod McLennan, 31/01/2021. James 1:1-8.
Son of God. Talk 41. Holding Nothing Back.
Son of God. Talk 41. Holding Nothing Back. By Rod McLennan, 24/01/2021. John 19:16-42.
Son of God. Talk 40. Behold the Man.
Son of God. Talk 40. Behold the Man. By Rod McLennan, 17/01/2021. John 18:28-19:16.
Son of God. Talk 39. Who’s The Boss?
Son of God. Talk 39. Who’s The Boss? By Lincoln Job, 10/01/2021. John 18:1-27.
What Child Is This? Talk 1. Son of David.
What Child Is This? Talk 1. Son of David. By Rod McLennan, 13/12/2020. Matthew 1:1-25.
Son of God. Talk 36. Take Heart.
Son of God. Talk 36. Take Heart. By Rod McLennan, 6/12/2020. John 16:16-33.
Son of God. Talk 35. Why Didn’t Jesus Stay On Earth?
Son of God. Talk 35. Why Didn’t Jesus Stay On Earth? By Dan Nischke, 29/11/2020. John 16:4-15.
Son of God. Talk 34. Losing Friends For Loving Jesus.
Son of God. Talk 34. Losing Friends For Loving Jesus. By Rod McLennan, 22/11/2020. John 15:18-16:4.
Son of God. Talk 33. God Wants You To Be Fruitful.
Son of God. Talk 33. God Wants You To Be Fruitful. By Rod McLennan, 15/11/2020. John 15:1-17.
Son of God. Talk 32. For Our Peace Jesus Promises His Presence.
Son of God. Talk 32. For Our Peace Jesus Promises His Presence. By Rod McLennan, 8/11/2020. John 14:15-31.
Son of God. Talk 31. What Do Your Actions Say About Your Words?
Son of God. Talk 31. What Do Your Actions Say About Your Words? By Lincoln Job, 1/11/2020. John 14:1-14.
Son of God. Talk 30. Love.
Son of God. Talk 30. Love. By Rod McLennan, 25/10/2020. John 13:21-38.
Son of God. Talk 29. Wash One Another’s Feet.
Son of God. Talk 29. Wash One Another’s Feet. By Rod McLennan, 18/10/2020. John 13:1-20.
Son of God. Talk 28. Why They Didn’t Believe.
Son of God. Talk 28. Why They Didn’t Believe. By Rod McLennan, 11/10/2020. John 12:35-50.
Son of God. Talk 27. The Cross.
Son of God. Talk 27. The Cross. By Rod McLennan, 4/10/2020. John 12:27-36.
Son of God. Talk 26. Follow Jesus.
Son of God. Talk 26. Follow Jesus. By Rod McLennan, 27/09/2020. John 12:17-26.
Son of God. Talk 25. Palm Branches and a Young Donkey.
Son of God. Talk 25. Palm Branches and a Young Donkey. By Rod McLennan, 20/09/2020. John 12:12-19.
Upward: the Songs of Ascents. Talk 14. Bless the LORD.
Upward: the Songs of Ascents. Talk 14. Bless the LORD. By Rod McLennan, 13/09/2020. Psalm 134:1-3.
Upward: the Songs of Ascents. Talk 12. What Is The Big Deal About David And Zion?
Upward: the Songs of Ascents. Talk 12. What Is The Big Deal About David And Zion? By Rod McLennan, 30/08/2020. Psalm 132:1-18.
Upward: the Songs of Ascents. Talk 11. Psalm 131.
Upward: the Songs of Ascents. Talk 11. Psalm 131. By Rod McLennan, 23/08/2020. Psalm 131:1-3.
Upward: the Songs of Ascents. Talk 7. God’s Providence.
Upward: the Songs of Ascents. Talk 7. God’s Providence. By Lincoln Job, 26/07/2020. Psalm 127:1-5.
Upward: the Songs of Ascents. Talk 6. Psalm 126.
Upward: the Songs of Ascents. Talk 6. Psalm 126. By Bernard Jansen, 19/07/2020. Psalm 126:1-6.
Who Jesus Is and What He’s Come To Do.
Who Jesus Is and What He’s Come To Do. By Andrew Purcell, 12/07/2020. Mark 9:1-13 and 10:17-31. This talk was delivered via Zoom.
Upward: the Songs of Ascents. Talk 5. Better Off With God.
Upward: the Songs of Ascents. Talk 5. Better Off With God. By Rod McLennan, 5/07/2020. Psalm 124:1-8. This talk was delivered via Zoom.
Christians and Authority.
Christians and Authority. By Rod McLennan, 28/06/2020. Romans 13:1-7. This talk was delivered via Zoom.
Upward: the Songs of Ascents. Talk 4. Fix Your Eyes on God.
Upward: the Songs of Ascents. Talk 4. Fix Your Eyes on God. By Rod McLennan, 21/06/2020. Psalm 123:1-4. This talk was delivered via Zoom.
Upward: the Songs of Ascents. Talk 3. Love God’s Church.
Upward: the Songs of Ascents. Talk 3. Love God’s Church. By Rod McLennan, 14/06/2020. Psalm 122:1-9. This talk was delivered via Zoom.
Upward: the Songs of Ascents. Talk 2. The Creator is Your Constant Personal Bodyguard.
Upward: the Songs of Ascents. Talk 2. The Creator is Your Constant Personal Bodyguard. By Rod McLennan, 7/06/2020. Psalm 121:1-8. This talk was delivered via Zoom.
Upward: the Songs of Ascents. Talk 1. Fed Up With Liars and Trolls.
Upward: the Songs of Ascents. Talk 1. Fed Up With Liars and Trolls. By Rod McLennan, 31/05/2020. Psalm 120:1-7. This talk was delivered via Zoom.
Joel. Talk 6. God Is Fiercely Protective.
Joel. Talk 6. God Is Fiercely Protective. By Rod McLennan, 24/05/2020. Joel 3:1-21. This talk was delivered via Zoom.
Joel. Talk 5. Spirit, Judgement, Salvation.
Joel. Talk 5. Spirit, Judgement, Salvation. By Rod McLennan, 17/05/2020. Joel 2:28-32. This talk was delivered via Zoom.
Joel. Talk 4. God Reverses and Removes Shame.
Joel. Talk 4. God Reverses and Removes Shame. By Rod McLennan, 10/05/2020. Joel 2:18-27. This talk was delivered via Zoom.
Joel. Talk 3. Turn To God.
Joel. Talk 3. Turn To God. By Rod McLennan, 3/05/2020. Joel 2:12-17. This talk was delivered via Zoom.
Joel. Talk 2. God Is At War Against His People?
Joel. Talk 2. God Is At War Against His People? By Rod McLennan, 26/04/2020. Joel 2:1-11. This talk was delivered via Zoom.
Joel. Talk 1. Cry Out To The LORD.
Joel. Talk 1. Cry Out To The LORD. By Rod McLennan, 19/04/2020. This talk was delivered via Zoom.
Jesus’s Glory is My Gain.
Jesus’s Glory is My Gain. By Rod McLennan, 12/04/2020. Luke 24:1-53. This talk was delivered via Zoom.
Pray. Talk 9. Pray for All.
Pray. Talk 9. Pray for All. By Rod McLennan, 5/04/2020. 1 Timothy 2:1-15. This talk was delivered via Zoom.
Pray. Talk 8. Lead Us Not Into Temptation.
Pray. Talk 8. Lead Us Not Into Temptation. By Lincoln Job, 29/03/2020. Matthew 6:5-15. This talk was delivered via Zoom.
Pray. Talk 7. Forgive Us Our Debts.
Pray. Talk 7. Forgive Us Our Debts. By Rod McLennan, 15/03/2020. Matthew 6:9-15.
Pray. Talk 6. Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread.
Pray. Talk 6. Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread. By Rod McLennan, 8/03/2020. Matthew 6:5-15.
Pray. Talk 5. Your Will Be Done.
Pray. Talk 5. Your Will Be Done. By Rod McLennan, 1/03/2020. Matthew 6:9-13.
Pray. Talk 4. Your Kingdom Come.
Pray. Talk 4. Your Kingdom Come. By Rod McLennan, 23/02/2020. Matthew 6:9-13.
Pray. Talk 3. Hallowed Be Your Name.
Pray. Talk 3. Hallowed Be Your Name. By Rod McLennan, 16/02/2020. Matthew 6:9-13.
Pray. Talk 2. Father.
Pray. Talk 2. Father. By Rod McLennan, 9/02/2020. Luke 11:1-13.
Pray. Talk 1. Pray Stubbornly for Growth.
Pray. Talk 1. Pray Stubbornly for Growth. By Rod McLennan, 2/02/2020. Colossians 4:2-6.
Son of God. Talk 24. Evil.
Son of God. Talk 24. Evil. By Rod McLennan, 26/01/2020. John 12:1-11.
Son of God. Talk 23. Jesus was Sacrificed to Bring Salvation and Unity.
Son of God. Talk 23. Jesus was Sacrificed to Bring Salvation and Unity. By Rod McLennan, 19/01/2020. John 11:45-57.