A Christmas Playlist. Talk 1. What Is God Like? By Rod McLennan, 2/12/2018. Luke 1:26-56.
Psalms. Talk 4. Psalm 4.
Psalms. Talk 4. Psalm 4. By Rod McLennan, 25/11/2018. Psalm 4:1-8.
Psalms. Talk 3. Psalm 3.
Psalms. Talk 3. Psalm 3. By Rod McLennan, 18/11/2018. Psalm 3:1-8.
Psalms. Talk 2. The Unwinnable Fight.
Psalms. Talk 2. The Unwinnable Fight. By Lincoln Job, 11/11/2018. Psalm 2:1-12.
Psalms. Talk 1. The Blessed Rebel.
Psalms. Talk 1. The Blessed Rebel. By Rod McLennan, 4/11/2018. Psalm 1:1-6.
Empty? Talk 3. Ruth 3.
Empty? Talk 3. Ruth 3. By Rod McLennan, 14/10/2018. Ruth 3:1-18.
Empty? Talk 2. Ruth 2.
Empty? Talk 2. Ruth 2. By Rod McLennan, 7/10/2018. Ruth 2:1-22.
Empty? Talk 1. Ruth 1.
Empty? Talk 1. Ruth 1. By Rod McLennan, 23/09/2018. Ruth 1:1-22.
The Parables Of Jesus. Talk 11. The Parable Of The Shrewd Manager.
The Parables Of Jesus. Talk 11. The Parable Of The Shrewd Manager. By Jon Chandler, 16/09/2018. Luke 16:1-18.
The Parables Of Jesus. Talk 10. The Parable Of The Wicked Tenants.
The Parables Of Jesus. Talk 10. The Parable Of The Wicked Tenants. By Rod McLennan, 9/09/2018. Luke 20:9-19.
The Parables Of Jesus. Talk 9. The Parable Of The Pharisee And The Tax Collector.
The Parables Of Jesus. Talk 9. The Parable Of The Pharisee And The Tax Collector. By Bernard Jansen, 2/09/2018. Luke 18:9-14.
The Parables Of Jesus. Talk 8. The Parable Of The Rich Man And Lazarus.
The Parables Of Jesus. Talk 8. The Parable Of The Rich Man And Lazarus. By Jon Chandler, 26/08/2018. Luke 16:19-31.
The Parables Of Jesus. Talk 7. The Parable Of The Minas.
The Parables Of Jesus. Talk 7. The Parable Of The Minas. By Rod McLennan, 19/08/2018. Luke 19:11-27.
The Parables Of Jesus. Talk 6. The Parable Of The Persistent Widow.
The Parables Of Jesus. Talk 6. The Parable Of The Persistent Widow. By Rod McLennan, 12/08/2018. Luke 18:1-8.
The Parables Of Jesus. Talk 5. Prayer.
The Parables Of Jesus. Talk 5. Prayer. By Rod McLennan, 5/08/2018. Luke 11:1-13.
The Parables Of Jesus. Talk 4. The Parable Of The Good Samaritan.
The Parables Of Jesus. Talk 4. The Parable Of The Good Samaritan. By Rod McLennan, 29/07/2018. Luke 10:25-37.
The Parables Of Jesus. Talk 2. The Parable Of The Rich Fool.
The Parables Of Jesus. Talk 2. The Parable Of The Rich Fool. By Lincoln Job, 15/07/2018. Luke 12:13-21.
The Parables Of Jesus. Talk 1. The Parable Of The Sower.
The Parables Of Jesus. Talk 1. The Parable Of The Sower. By Rod McLennan, 8/07/2018. Luke 8:1-21.
Scripture: An Introduction. Talk 2. The Written Word Of God.
Scripture: An Introduction. Talk 2. The Written Word Of God. By Rod McLennan, 24/06/2018. Hebrews 1:1-4.
Scripture: An Introduction. Talk 1. Revelation (Knowing God).
Scripture: An Introduction. Talk 1. Revelation (Knowing God). By Rod McLennan, 17/06/2018. John 1:1-18.
Acts. Talk 16. Paul Arrives In Rome.
Acts. Talk 16. Paul Arrives In Rome. By Rod McLennan, 10/06/2018. Acts 28:17-31.
Acts. Talk 15. Paul’s Journey To Rome.
Acts. Talk 15. Paul’s Journey To Rome. By Rod McLennan, 3/06/2018. Acts 27:1-28:16.
Acts. Talk 14. A Christian Curiosity.
Acts. Talk 14. A Christian Curiosity. By Rod McLennan, 27/05/2018. Acts 25:1-26:32.
Acts. Talk 13. Paul Before Felix.
Acts. Talk 13. Paul Before Felix. By Bernard Jansen, 20/05/2018. Acts 24:1-27.
Acts. Talk 12. Paul And The Jewish Council.
Acts. Talk 12. Paul And The Jewish Council. By Rod McLennan, 13/05/2018. Acts 22:30-23:35.
Acts. Talk 10. Following Christ’s Footsteps.
Acts. Talk 10. Following Christ’s Footsteps. By Rod McLennan, 29/04/2018. Acts 21:1-40.
Acts. Talk 9. Paul’s Personal Mission Statement.
Acts. Talk 9. Paul’s Personal Mission Statement. By Rod McLennan, 22/04/2018. Acts 20:1-38.
Wisdom. By Lincoln Job, 15/04/2018. Proverbs 2:1-6 & 3:13-18.
Wisdom To Weather The Storm.
Wisdom To Weather The Storm. By Rod McLennan, 8/04/2018. Proverbs 1:1-33.
April’s Fool.
April’s Fool. By Rod McLennan, 1/04/2018. 1 Corinthians 1:18-31.
Acts. Talk 8. Paul In Ephesus.
Acts. Talk 8. Paul In Ephesus. By Rod McLennan, 25/03/2018. Acts 19:1-41.
Acts. Talk 7. Gospel Work.
Acts. Talk 7. Gospel Work. By Rod McLennan, 18/03/2018. Acts 18:1-28.
Acts. Talk 6. The Known God.
Acts. Talk 6. The Known God. By Rod McLennan, 11/03/2018. Acts 17:1-34.
Acts. Talk 5. The Gospel Advances When…
Acts. Talk 5. The Gospel Advances When… By Rod McLennan, 4/03/2018. Acts 15:36-16:40.
Acts. Talk 4. Coming To Terms With A New Identity.
Acts. Talk 4. Coming To Terms With A New Identity. By Rod McLennan, 25/02/2018, Acts 15:1-35.
Acts. Talk 3. Anatomy Of A Strong Church.
Acts. Talk 3. Anatomy Of A Strong Church. By Rod McLennan, 18/02/2018. Acts 14:1-27.
Jesus Comes First.
Jesus Comes First. By Andrew Purcell, 11/02/2018. Colossians 1:15-23.
Acts. Talk 2. What’s Your Expectation of People?
Acts. Talk 2. What’s Your Expectation of People? By Rod McLennan, 4/02/2018. Acts 13:13-52.
Acts. Talk 1. God’s Word Cannot Be Stopped.
Acts. Talk 1. God’s Word Cannot Be Stopped. By Rod McLennan, 28/01/2018. Acts 13:1-12.
Upside Down. Talk 4. Greatness.
Upside Down. Talk 4. Greatness. By Rod McLennan, 21/01/2018. Philippians 2:3-11.
Upside Down. Talk 3. Love.
Upside Down. Talk 3. Love. By Rod McLennan, 14/01/2018. Matthew 5:43-48.
Upside Down. Talk 2. Happiness.
Upside Down. Talk 2. Happiness. By Rod McLennan, 7/01/2018. Luke 6:20-26.